We made our lightning trip to Utah this past week. We left on Thursday and went as far as Boise; stayed overnight there with one of Alan's cousins. Had fun talking and really appreciated the opportunity to stay there overnight. Then on Friday it was off to Utah! We ended up staying with Suzan and Randy in Sandy, Utah. Thanks!! They put us in their basement, which is lots better than it probably sounds, LOL. We had a nice cool room, kitchenette, bathroom, and TV to entertain us when we weren't out gallivanting around.
On Saturday, we went to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Pioneer Day Concert. The special guests were The Osmonds, finishing up a year-long tour celebrating 50 years in the entertainment industry. It was a wonderful experience, and if you have the opportunity to watch the show on BYU-TV, please do! I will remember it forthe rest of my life, and enjoy the beautiful music in my brain!
Here's a picture of the Salt Lake City Temple, taken from the Conference Center on Saturday night. Also a pic of the choir in their seats after the show (we weren't allowed to take pics during the event). Tons of fun, and so glad we went, even though I think I had heat stroke or heat exhaustion from the 101+ heat and humidity. It was well worth it and we loved it!
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