Sunday, January 31, 2010

Digital Scrapbooking

I really do like digital scrapbooking. I'm woefully behind on ALL my scrapbooking, and one of my goals this year is to try to get a page a week done. Ha ha. Don't fall off your chairs laughing, now! I must admit, only one page done in January, but it's beautiful (I think anyway). I'm trying to learn the ins and outs of PSE 7.0, which I'm fairly new to. I have all the photo organization and editing down (or most of it anyway), it's the bells and whistles that I'm not 100% clear on! So without further ado, here is the layout I finished in January.
As explanation, each fall our church has a Young Women in Excellence Program. This past fall, a member of our ward (Charlene Hardy, website took glamour shots of the young women which were then displayed on tables along with their interests and hobbies. She then gave the parents a CD with the pictures on it, so that we could get prints for ourselves. These are some of my favorites of Sarah, age 15 (then, 16 now).

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Memory Lane

This is my little trip down memory lane. Thirteen years ago this month, Alan was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Twelve years ago this month, we were sealed as a family in the Seattle Temple. Here are some pictures from that night.

Here is a family shot at home before the baptism. Yes, I was pregnant with Spencer at the time ...
Here's a picture of Alan and I at the post-baptism dinner. We went to Cedars Pier One, I believe. Alan would remember but I will check that detail later.

Here is Sarah with my mom and dad at the dinner. My dad died not quite four years later, so this picture is special to me.

I will post more later ... after I get them scanned into the computer. These are all from "back in the day" when we used film in cameras!