Friday, November 13, 2009

Star Trek Movie!

In about a week, I will have my very own copy of Star Trek! Yes, I am a Trekkie. Those who've known me a long time already know this. DH and I went to see the new Star Trek movie twice over the summer, the only movie we've seen more than once in who knows how long?! The first time was opening night; we were lucky enough to have a member of Elders' Quorum at church working at a theater locally, so he arranged a late night showing for those who wanted to come. Fun fun FUN! First time I'd been to an "opening night" of a movie in a LLOOONNNGGG time! (I can't even remember the last time. It was probably either a Star Trek or a Star Wars [original trilogy] though.) I loved the new movie. Great action, great way to reinvent the franchise without losing anything of the original series or any of its sequels. *Squee!* We might have to have movie night in the bedroom (we record shows on the DVD recorder/player in the family room on Friday night) next weekend!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

More cute Halloween Pics

Here are some more cute Halloween pics of the kids. The first batch is from 2001.

Here's Sarah by herself; she's almost 8 in these pictures.

And Spencer by himself. He's 4-1/2.

And here is a picture from 2002. Sarah is almost 9 and Spencer is 5-1/2. This was obviously the Toy Story year, LOL.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Halloween Past - 1997 to be exact

I have to thank Lisa S. for this one. She posted pics of her girls on Halloween past, and one of the costumes was a pumpkin. So it reminded me of the pumpkin outfit I made for Sarah when she was not quite 4. Spencer was almost 6 months old in this picture, wearing the same baby pumpkin outfit that Sarah wore when she was a baby.

Alan and the kids. Alan has much more and darker hair in this picture than he does now! What 12 years will do to you!! (Including me in that statement!)

This is what Sarah calls her "aren't I so cute?" pose. She did this pose a LOT for several years. Age: 3 years almost 11 months.

And the baby pumpkin, Spencer. Age: 6 months. Cute little turkey ... er pumpkin ... isn't he?!

(If anybody's interested, Lisa's blog is here . Check out her post from November 2 with her darling girls!)

Spencer's Halloween Costume

I think this is Shadow Link? From The Legend of Zelda video games. We don't have any, so I don't know. LOL. But he wanted to do this for Halloween so here we are. Cute kid, eh?!