This is my little blog to keep friends & family updated on our lives, boring though they may be ...
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
The kids are OFF to school! Sarah started the 8th grade today, and Spencer started 5th grade. Wah! Next year I'll have a high schooler and a middle schooler, yikes! They were both raring to go and excited. Sarah gets to take high-school level geometry because she got a high score on the MAPS test (an assessment test given in Washington State), and Spanish, which she's excited about. Oh, and science. Not sure how excited she is about that one, LOL. Oh, and another year of honors English. Spencer has a teacher that Sarah had when she was in 3rd grade and just starting in the gifted program. Mrs. Devine moved up to teach 5th grade two years ago and seems to be really good with the older kids, too. Here are the pics: the kids chose their (new) outfits, both have new backpacks, and Spencer has a new lunchbox. Sarah wanted to have lunch in a plain brown sack this year because she has to carry her books around the whole time after lunch, and the actual lunchbox was awkward. That's okay by me ...
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