In about a week, I will have my very own copy of Star Trek! Yes, I am a Trekkie. Those who've known me a long time already know this. DH and I went to see the new Star Trek movie twice over the summer, the only movie we've seen more than once in who knows how long?! The first time was opening night; we were lucky enough to have a member of Elders' Quorum at church working at a theater locally, so he arranged a late night showing for those who wanted to come. Fun fun FUN! First time I'd been to an "opening night" of a movie in a LLOOONNNGGG time! (I can't even remember the last time. It was probably either a Star Trek or a Star Wars [original trilogy] though.) I loved the new movie. Great action, great way to reinvent the franchise without losing anything of the original series or any of its sequels. *Squee!* We might have to have movie night in the bedroom (we record shows on the DVD recorder/player in the family room on Friday night) next weekend!
finishing up the year
1 week ago