Next is a picture of Sarah and me, and then Spencer and Alan. This was just after Spencer's birthday (he turned 12), so he was ordained to the Aaronic priesthood on this day. *Sniff.* We went to Diane and Sam's for Easter dinner, and got to spend some nice time with them. We didn't do an egg hunt this year, and nobody seemed to miss it. Well, Sarah did mention it, and did a fake pout when I said she was too old for it, but other than that nobody cared much!
(You know, I really hate it when pictures don't go in the order I put them in the silly post! ARGH! The picture of Alan and I should be first, but it decided to go in second. Go figure.)

Congrats on your son being ordained. Sad when our kids grow up, huh? I found you on Mormon Moms Who Blog. I love that your daughter is taller than you are because that means I'm not alone. They're all gaining on me, and I"m fated to be the shortest person in the crew. Thank goodness for a little dog--someone I can tower over.
Hey, Julie, thanks for writing! I'm really bad about checking for comments. I forgot I could use the check box LOL and get them emailed to me. Sigh. Yep, my daughter is still taller than me since I haven't grown any more. Glad that Mormon Moms Who Blog got me at least one reader!
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